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From Los Angeles to Las Vegas: Rarámuri runners take the podium

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Six Rarámuri runners were part of the team that secured third place in The Speed Project, a 540 km ultramarathon from Los Angeles, California, to Las Vegas, Nevada.

The inhabitants of the Sierra Tarahumara are known for their great endurance and determination in athletic competitions, which has produced outstanding male and female runners, both in Mexico and around the world. This is how the name of the Rarámuri people from Chihuahua has been held in high esteem, a feat that was achieved once again on March 29th.

A group of six Rarámuri women accomplished a remarkable feat by securing third place in The Speed Project, a relay-style ultramarathon held at the end of March in the United States.

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Photo: @ra_ra_raaaaaa / Instagram

Dressed in their traditional attire, the women achieved a significant milestone in the race

The route covered 540 kilometers, starting from Santa Monica (Los Angeles) and ending at the well-known “Welcome to Las Vegas” sign in Nevada, marking the finishing point. Each participant ran approximately 90 kilometers in relay fashion without any stops; the race continued day and night for two days.

Ra Ra Ra is the name of the team, led by three experienced women: Verónica Palma, a seasoned runner; Yulisa Fuentes, who has won several editions of the 63 km Ultra Marathon; and Isadora Rodríguez, the two-time champion of the Jebla Marathon. They were accompanied by Lucía Nava and Rosa Parra, who ran their first ultramarathon, as well as Argelia Orpinel, a seasoned 40-year-old woman who completed the team to achieve the goal.

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Photo: @ra_ra_raaaaaa / Instagram

The Rarámuri runners stood out for their great skill and physical endurance, demonstrating that their ability goes beyond anything else. They represented their ethnicity by wearing their traditional long skirts and sandals, although the weather conditions led them to exchange this attire for shorts and athletic shoes for better performance.

TheRarámuri sought financial support through platforms to cover their expenses.

Through a platform called Donadora, these women were able to reach the starting point thanks to the solidarity of Mexicans and others around the world, who decided to contribute and be part of those who supported them in covering the expenses involved.

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Photo: @ra_ra_raaaaaa / Instagram

Despite only reaching 234,000 pesos (when the goal was 500,000), they managed to obtain the most important aspects, which included carrying out the immigration procedures, as well as transportation from Chihuahua to Los Angeles and back, along with a camper where they could rest while waiting for their turn.

Definitely, it’s a significant achievement for the indigenous community and for national sports.

Despite any obstacles that may have arisen, the Rarámuri women managed to secure a place on the podium at The Speed Project, an exclusive ultramarathon that one can only attend by invitation from the organizing committee. This underscores that the Tarahumara community has exceptional athletes who strive every day to achieve their dreams.

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Photo: @ra_ra_raaaaaa / Instagram

Their third-place finish captured the attention of the entire country, shedding light on all Rarámuri people and placing them on the radar as natural-born athletes. Their achievement, combined with their hard work and dedication, showcased that within Chihuahua there are many women with tremendous endurance who can achieve great things for sports and the indigenous community regardless of their background. This brought immense joy and pride to everyone in this region.

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Photo: @ra_ra_raaaaaa / Instagram

Sources: El Sol de Parral / Récord

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