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Although for many, chess is just a simple board game, the International Olympic Committee officially recognized it as a sport in 1999. This recognition has led to its inclusion in multiple sporting events, such as the National Conade Games in Mexico.

In the world, there are countless activities that people engage in recreationally, and some even decide to take the leap into competitive by choosing to pursue them professionally. One of these activities is chess, a board game that has sparked controversy as it has become recognized as a sport. Many argue it should not be considered a sport due to the lack of physical activity involved in its practice.

Sport or board game: the chess dilemma
Sport is considered any physical or mental activity that has a competitive nature, where there are a series of rules or norms to follow in a specific space such as a court, track, etc., which generally must be institutionalized through clubs or federations. Based on this premise, it is understandable why chess is considered a sport.
Many argue that sitting during the game has nothing to do with a sport. However, there is a great deal of confusion between this term and physical activity itself. Sport has a competitive nature, while physical activity refers to the practice of any physical effort performed by the human body, such as walking, running, jumping, etc.

So, why is chess considered a sport?
The first and most important reason is that it is recognized by the International Olympic Committee, one of the largest sports organizations in the world. Although it has not yet secured a place in the Olympics, since 1999 the IOC has defended it as a sport. There is even talk of integrating it as another discipline in the Winter Olympics and events such as the Pan American Games.
It has a competitive nature, with the primary objective being to win against an opponent, requiring strategy and intense mental concentration. It has a structure governed by international bodies and federations with rules for its practice, which entails holding competitions at local, regional, national, and even global levels.

Although chess does not involve physical activity, it is accompanied by mental and cognitive activity, as players must maintain concentration throughout the hours that the game may last. Some competitors even have physical trainers and nutritionists, as mental fatigue can lead to physical consequences.
Constant training is required, as the general rules of chess remain, but new regulations are often added, leading to changes in the modes of play. 4o Additionally, players must develop and strengthen their strategies to keep all possible moves in mind, countering any play that could put the opponent in check.

Despite the criticism, chess is indeed a sport
Alongside e-Sports, chess has sparked this debate. However, at least this latter discipline is officially considered a sport by one of the most recognized sports organizations in the world. In Mexico, it is even part of the National Conade Games and will continue to seek its way into other world-class competitions like the Olympics, making it clear that its practice can go beyond the recreational and has the potential to be one of the most challenging sports due to the mental skill required to play it.

Sources: El Sol de Morelia, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo y Confederación Deportiva Autónoma de Guatemala