Why Did the Friendship Between Juan Gabriel and Rocío Dúrcal End?

Why Did the Friendship Between Juan Gabriel and Rocío Dúrcal End?

Several rumors have emerged regarding the sudden breakup of an 18-year-long friendship between Juan Gabriel, “El Divo de Juárez,” and the Spanish singer Rocío Dúrcal. However, only one reason has been confirmed by the Dúrcal family.

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Photo: Milenio Noticias

One of the most cherished friendships in the music world was between Juan Gabriel and Rocío Dúrcal. Their bond began when Dúrcal first visited Mexico, initiating a seemingly unbreakable relationship. However, a series of misunderstandings and a heated argument eventually ended their deep friendship.

How Did the Friendship Between Juan Gabriel and Rocío Dúrcal Begin?

Rocío Dúrcal found a second home in Mexico during the peak of her career. It was during her first trip to Mexico that she met Juan Gabriel, the legendary “Divo de Juárez.” From that meeting, they forged a deep friendship reflected in numerous musical collaborations.

Juan Gabriel allowed Dúrcal to perform some of his most iconic compositions, such as “Amor Eterno” and “Déjame Vivir.” In 1977, seven years after her arrival in Mexico, Dúrcal paid tribute to him with the album “Canta a Juan Gabriel” which featured a collection of his greatest hits and strengthened their friendship. Their collaboration resulted in seven albums and numerous sold-out shows over more than 18 years of close friendship.

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Foto: Telemundo

However, this friendship also faced challenges, and a delicate situation would eventually end their bond.

The Reason That Ended a Beautiful Friendship

The famous singers avoided discussing the issue in front of the cameras, leading to numerous rumors. One of the most persistent was that their breakup was due to a love triangle. It was speculated that Juan Gabriel had an affair with Antonio Morales Barretto, known as “Júnior,” the husband of Rocío Dúrcal and the father of her three children.

This rumor gained traction when Joaquín Muñoz, Juan Gabriel’s former manager, published a book claiming that “El Divo de Juárez” had fallen in love with his friend’s husband. However, music producer Gustavo Farías denied this version, stating that the differences between the singers arose during the recording of the album “Juntos Otra Vez” in 1997, calling it a “battle of divas.”

According to some accounts, their relationship became strained when “El Divo de Juárez” sent a TV crew to film part of the music video for “La Guirnalda” without Dúrcal’s consent, leading to an argument. Neither apologized, leading to their estrangement.

Photo: El Comercio

Other versions suggest that the conflict arose from recording disagreements. Although Dúrcal confirmed her estrangement from Juan Gabriel on several occasions, she never revealed the exact reasons. What is certain is that they never reconciled.

From 1996 until Rocío Dúrcal’s death in 2006, their separation persisted. After her death, Juan Gabriel organized a concert in her honor, which angered Shaila, Dúrcal’s daughter, who considered the singer’s gesture hypocritical. However, Carmen, another of Dúrcal’s daughters, claimed that the estrangement was not that deep and mentioned visiting Juan Gabriel several times. Despite these differences, both sisters agree that Juan Gabriel never contacted the family to offer condolences when Rocío passed away.

Do you think El Divo de Juárez went too far with Dúrcal?

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